Saturday 11th july 2020

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This course will be provided by Ryan. It will focus on sensitivity and self hypnosis.

If you wish to proceed with the purchase, please log in or register before on the site.

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Ryan from Mitichamba



Ryan from Mitishamba


Graduated from ITMTC in Traditional Chinese Medicine with a full five-year cycle and then revalidated in Vietnam, Ryan then went in search of a deeper understanding of energies and emotional ties.
Thus becoming Reiki Master then Master in hypnosis. Starting with Ericksonian to Elmanian hypnosis then non-verbal with Marco Paret.
Ryan therefore trusts the unconscious of his clients to complete and potentiate his actions. Thus it better apprehends the points on which it is necessary to act, the cause and the deeper and therefore lasting solutions.

Officiel Website :

How to purchase that course

To purchase that course you must signin and buy a pass, for exemple Mitishamba pass which is free of cost.

To buy a pass, click here

Prices are all tax included